Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sacrificial Love

Sacrificial love and selflessness is another theme that can be found throughout the Harry Potter series, and is also very present in Christian teaching. Sacrificial love can be defined as affection for people or a person to the point that you are willing to give up something for their benefit. John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” We see Christ living out this love in dying on the cross for the sins of all men, and also in Harry Potter’s willingness to give up his life for the protection and peace of his friends against Voldemort. Now Harry Potter is no Jesus Christ, but his actions teach children that they can and should strive to be as much like Jesus as possible. Lastly we see this in Lily Potter’s death protecting her son. Not only does Lily’s sacrifice protect Harry, but it also aids in the defeat of Voldemort because he is debilitated by her magic. We consistently see Harry and other characters in the Harry Potter series living out sacrificial love and selflessness. In the Socerer’s Stone we see Ron Weasley making a sacrifice while playing Wizard’s Chess. He sacrifices his piece so that Harry can go on to find the stone and for Hermione’s safety. All of the characters have the ability to display both sacrificial love and selflessness. Harry himself sets a great example as an unselfish figure. It’s also important to note that at some point throughout the Harry Potter series each character makes some sort of selfish decision, therefore providing readers with multiple examples. In addition it makes sure that readers don’t mistake anyone as being exempt from making mistakes, or as being perfect.

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